Long Island Bookworm

Friday, October 06, 2006

Na na na na...hey hey hey...Goodbye!

Goodbye Learning 2.0! Overall I think this has been a good experience. I tried out a few things I'd always meant to (e.g. Flickr), learned how things I'd seen on the web were created (e.g. image generators), and was exposed to things I'd never heard of (e.g. Rollyo; LibraryThing). Overall a good experience, and I appreciate the opportunity to explore new resources on work time.

Now for a little constructive criticism. I think some more explicit directions would be helpful, especially for staff who have never added links, etc., or are less comfortable with the web. Also, the blog posts became tedious. How many times could I basically say the same thing? I'm not sure how else you would track it, but perhaps fewer posts (maybe one per week as opposed to one per Thing) would be friendlier.

Again thanks for the opportunity!

This is Julie, signing out.


Where's my MP3 player when I need it? I saw many titles on NetLibrary that I'd like to download, mostly in the Mystery & Suspense category. I'm disappointed there's only 1 title in the Government and Politics category, though.


Found my favorite radio show, Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me. Love this news program. Hate that WFAE has changed when it's on so I can't always listen. But now I can.


Having already searched YouTube many times, this Thing was no big deal. Neither was choosing which video to share. This trailer is for a movie created in Studio i. The story and storyboard for this film were created by a former coworker, Heather, and me. The filming and editing was done by one of the teen interns, Glenn. The movie, The Peeps Take Over The World Starting with The Loft at ImaginOn is almost finished. BTW, the evil laughter at the end? All me! Enjoy!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Web 2.0 Tools

So I checked out the list of nominees for the Web 2.0 winners, and decided that Etsy looked the most interesting. It's a site where you can buy or sell handmade items. I should say that I'm not really a shopaholic, but I do like to see what people have made -- they're usually more unique than the cookie cutter stuff you get at the mall. It's searchable (which does my library-lovin' heart good) and easy to navigate. I particularly liked the squiggle necklace. I tried to upload the picture, but Blogger gave me problems. So go to Etsy and look at it.

Web-based Applications

Not having to BUY software? Love it! Not having to worry about having the "right" software? Love it! Being able to go to any computer and access the files I've saved? Love it! I think my opinion on this aspect of Web 2.0 applications is obvious. ZohoWriter was just the first I'll explore. I'm off!

My First Wiki Post

I did it and it was very simple. Adding my blog to the Favorited Blogs was easy -- I so love copy and paste! Then I added one of my favorite restaurants, too. Here's another shout out for Portofino's on Eastway! After this I will have no more Wiki fear!


A website that can be edited by anyone (ala Wikipedia) or restricted to a select few with the password? Hmmm...

While it's pretty cool that a site could be edited by anybody, it also poses some obvious problems. Let's just call it the Colbert effect (Were they endangered Asian Elephants? Anyone who watches the Colbert Report remember?). Anybody can change any info at any time.

One thing I did notice, though, was how simple and easy they were to view. I can see how keeping a wiki clean and simple would make it easier to edit for contributors who aren't as tech-savvy. After I for the next "Thing" and I'll have a better idea about it.

Library 2.0

I've read a few of the perspectives on Library 2.0. Seems to me that creating a self-sufficient use, and "user-centric" services through the use of technology is what Library 2.0 is all about. Embracing emerging technologies, but not, as one writer said, buying "technology for the sake of technology." The challenge will be in keeping up with the changes -- making "good, yet fast decisions." Is PLCMC up to the challenge?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Searching Technorati is easy and simple. As instructed in this "Thing" I searched for Learning 2.0 in blog posts. With quotes there were 1365 posts, without quotes there were 28,115. Not too surprising, Learning is a pretty common word. Searching Learning 2.0 in blog directory yielded 14 posts.

What did I discover about this site? That I'm not too sure I'd use it. I already have a few blogs I keep up with. I don't know that I want to add too many more to the group. However, I can see people wanting to search for certain subjects. And if I wanted thoughts and opinions out there for the world I'd certainly tag my blog posts accordingly.